However, today there are methods of reducing the risk of earthquake damage. In civil engineering field, to set right the deteriorated, damaged, corroded and aged rcc structures, masonry structures and steel structures by means of repairing, retrofitting, rehabilitating, strengthening processes based on. Jan 29, 20 retrofitting upgrading of certain building systems existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity earthquake resistance structures can be earthquake damaged earthquake vulnerable retrofitting proves to be a better economic consideration and immediate shelter to problems rather than replacement of building. The construction material mainly reinforced concrete is being used extensively for various types of construction projects. Health monitoring of structures use of sensors building instrumentation. It is preferable for repairing or retrofitting rather than replacing completely, since it is both environmentally and. Repair and retrofitting manual for rcc structure pdf book. Thus retrofitting and rehabilitation of structures can be concluded to be the best alternative. Introduction to retrofitting retrofitting is any change made to an existing structure to reduce or eliminate the possibility of damage to that structure from flooding, erosion, high winds, earthquakes, or other hazards. With better understanding of seismic demand on structures and with our recent experiences with large earthquakes near urban centers, the need of seismic retrofitting is well. Hence, requirement has been initiated for structural rehabilitation, retrofitting and.
Seismic retrofitting of existing structures by cetin sahin a research project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of master of science in civil and environmental engineering project advisor. Such deteriorated structures can be rehabilitated and retrofitted by. There are various studies which demonstrate the effectiveness of different strength techniques using frp and considerably increase both strength and stiffness. Such retrofits for rc buildings include steel braces, posttensioned cables, infill walls, shear walls, masonry infills, and base isolators. In recent years, there is a significant improvement of retrofitting techniques. Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant. Group 3 repair and retrofitting of rcc structures concrete. Retrofitting upgrading of certain building systems existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity earthquake resistance structures can be earthquake damaged earthquake vulnerable retrofitting proves to be a better economic consideration and immediate shelter to problems rather than replacement of building. Seismic evaluation and retrofitting of masonry infill rcc structures. Mlmce 1 civil engineering retrofitting of existing rcc buildings by method of jacketing chapter 2 strengthening of rcc structures 2. Assistant professor applied mechanics department, govt. Repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures. The retrofit techniques are also applicable for other natural hazards such as tropical cyclones, tornadoes, and severe winds from thunderstorms. Retrofitting of reinforced concrete structures using rubberized coir fiber sheets, a natural laminate for improving the structural responses like strength and maximum deflection.
Concrete structures is recognized as a major problem worldwide. Seismic evaluation and retrofitting of masonry infill rcc. Pdf seismic retrofitting techniques for concrete structures. Repairs, rehabilitation, and retrofitting by ferrocement. Rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures notes rrs pdf.
In general, retrofitting is a part of civil, mechanical engineering and medical field. Retrofitting is the seismic strengthening of existing damaged or undamaged structures. Crashed rcc balcony can be totally replaced by ferrocement balcony with ferrocement chhajas, without disturbance to occupants inside. Structures draft4 published by the japan society of civil engineers hereafter maintenance guidelines. Types of retrofitting there are two types of retrofitting used for repairing the structures. However, the deterioration of reinforced concrete structures is recognized as a major problem worldwide. Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures so as to improve the system behaviour or its components repairstrengthening up to the performance it is expected. Over a period of time, as these structures become older, we find in. Pdf the retrofitting of reinforced concrete columns.
Structurelevel retrofit structurelevel retrofits are commonly used to enhance the lateral resistance of existing structures. It is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to earthquakes. In the recent past several devastating natural calamity like earthquakes, etc. Techniques of seismic retrofitting for concrete structures. On the other hand, if nfip compliance is not required the building does not have to meet the requirements of substantial improvementdamage, then you may choose to have a flood protection level less than the dfe. Seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete buildings using. Retrofitting of building structures, including maintenance, rehabilitation, and strengthening, is not only an important issue in urban construction and management, but also a frequent problem to structural engineers in property management disciplines.
It is an improvement over the original strength when the evaluation of the building indicates that the strength available before the damage walls insufficient and restoration alone will not be adequate in future quakes. This damage to structures in its turn causes irreparable loss of life with a large number of casualites. Detailed seismic evaluation and assessing the vulnerability of the structure are the key ingredients in order to arrive at an appropriate retrofitting scheme. Conclusion seismic retrofitting techniques for concrete structures. For earthquake damaged houses that needs to be repaired and retrofitted under. In design process we must take two important points in considerations. The proposed technique consists of applying glass fiber composite laminates. Research article materials and jacketing technique for. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so dont worry about it. Typical values of the structure factor q may fall in the range 1 to 5 for reinforced concrete structures cen, 1998.
If instead, r structures strengthening methods retro. Over a period of time, as these structures become older, we find in them certain degradation or deterioration with resultant distress manifested. Retrofitting of existing rcc buildings by method of jacketing. This paper introduces a new type of reinforcement detail for the rc. Also, changes in service conditions, often made arbitrarily, may lead to substantial changes in the structural behaviour resulting in a degradation of the. Read online repair and retrofitting manual for rcc structure book pdf free download link book now. Rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures notes rrs. This study highlights the principals of assessing and retrofitting of structures against seismic events. The focus of this manual is the retrofitting of one to fourfamily. Ferrocement repairs and rehabilitation can conveniently repair rcc sagging slab with dead load reduction. An important disadvantage of the method, however, is that it cannot be applied partially to structures, unlike most other seismic retrofitting methods. Research article materials and jacketing technique.
Strengthening of reinforced concrete beam utilizing frp has been applied to tackle problems related to the civil infrastructure. Download repair and retrofitting manual for rcc structure book pdf free download link or read online here in pdf. Seismic retrofitting is a suitable technology for protection of a variety of structures. Pdf the retrofitting of a building requires an appreciation for the technical, economic and social aspects of. Retrofitting techniques for reinforced concrete structures 2. It can be used for both circular and rectangular shaped columns but it is more effective in the former shape. Structural rehabilitation, retrofitting and strengthening. Text books rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures rrs notes pdf rrs pdf notes rrs pdf rrs notes. Retrofitting of rcc building for strong column weak beam design. This may make them vulnerable to damage or destruction in earthquakes.
But, the expertise needed is not available in the basic level. Engineering principles and practices for retrofitting floodprone residential structures. His research interests widely cover mechanics of reinforced concrete structures, steelconcrete composite structures and continuous fiber reinforced concrete. Reference rehabilitation and retrofitting of s tructures rrs notes pdf rrs pdf notes rrs pdf rrs notes. It has matured in the recent years to a highly reliable technology. Construction techniques for retrofitting by jacneting of rcc. Over a period of time, as these structures become older, we find in them certain degradation or deterioration with resultant distress manifested in the form of cracking, splitting, delaminating, corrosion etc. Retrofitting of reinforced concrete rc structures can lead to increased stiffness, strength, and failure deformation.
Assessment and retrofitting of existing structures eurocodes. To make the students to gain the knowledge on quality of concrete, durability aspects, causes of deterioration, assessment of distressed structures, repairing of structures and demolition procedures. But on international level now, this topic is drawing attention for all civil engineers. The focus of this manual is on retrofitting buildings that are subject to flooding. Earthquakes occur naturally and can produce the forces which can cause damage in the structure. Seismic isolation is proven to be a very effective method for protecting buildings and other structures against seismic hazards. The table classifies these methods by the objective of retrofitting and identifies the members to which they are. June, 2014 when citing these guidelines the following citation should be used. Manual on retrofitting of existing vulnerable school buildingsassessment to retrofitting part i i preface schools are institutions providing an education as well as a common place for community gatherings and meetings. Research article materials and jacketing technique for retrofitting of structures shri. The purpose of this paper is to present different techniques of retrofitting for rcc member in order to strengthen the structure for its. Design of frp axial strengthening of rcc columns aci 440. Rcc sagging deteriorated slab repairs is cumbersome, time consuming and costly. Thus retrofitting and strengthening of existing reinforced concrete structures has become one of the most important challenges in civil engineering.
Perform a dynamic analysis for the building to get an idea of the causes of. Introduction to repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures 1. The manual presents various retrofitting measures that provide. Determine as accurate as possible how the building behave when shaken by an earthquake check the building check building material quality list all component of the building that are damaged 1. National disaster management guidelines seismic retrofitting of deficient buildings and structures a publication of. These draft guidelines are designed to complement these documents and indicate standards for the retrofitting of existing concrete structures, which in recent years has been applied in an increasingly number of cases. Methodology retrofit in structures is done to increase the survivability functionality. Repair and retrofitting manual for rcc structure pdf. In the research reported in this paper, the feasibility of using glass fiber composite laminates gfcl locally available in the egyptian market in retrofitting flexural reinforced concrete elements is studied. They should be models in providing examples of quality education and the. Experimental investigation on seismic retrofitting of rcc structures jansi rani k1, subathra.
Retrofitting options for reinforced concrete rc frame structures are more complicated and may be costlier than for the structures with a load bearing wall system. National disaster management authority government of india ndma bhawan a1, safdarjung enclave new delhi 110029 isbn no. Pdf retrofitting of existing rcc buildings by method of jacketing. Seismic retrofitting of structures by steel bracings. Retrofitting of existing rcc buildings by method of jacketing mlmce 1 civil engineering. Deflection, cracking, chemical disruption, weathering corrosion, wear, fire, leakage and marine exposure.
The applications include different types of bridges, buildings, industrial structures, transport structures in urban areas, earth retaining structures and marine structures. It is preferable for repairing or retrofitting rather than replacing. Retrofitting of existing rcc buildings by method of jacketing bhavar dadasaheb o. Global methods concentrate at the structure level and retrofit to obtain a better. Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to earthquakes.
Introduction of retrofitting building the aftermath of an earthquake maneifests great devastation due to unpredicted seismic motion striking extensive damage to innumerable buildings varying degree i. This manual is being prepared in three separate volumes providing retrofitting guidelines for adobe structure, masonry structure and rcc structure covering both theoretical and practical aspects of retrofitting. The retrofitting process shall start with investigation and diagnosis of cracks and then applying suitable retrofitting technique and compatible materials. It is evident that the building can withstand the seismic action if and only if r.
Retrofitting design of building structures crc press book. Waghmare address for correspondence acharya shrimannarayan polytechnic,piprim, wardha maharashtra abstract seismic protection of buildings is a needbased concept aimed to improve the performance of any structure under future earthquakes. Chapter 7 selection of retrofitting method in selecting the retrofitting method, the current status of the existing concrete structure as determined through inspection, the performance of the structure, the performance required of the structure after. Behavior of the frame structured system is entirely different from load bearing wall structures. Engineers often face problems associated with retrofitting and strength enhancement of existing structures. Repair and rehabilitation is area where our organization has a combined experience of more than 2 decades for providing customized solutions to existing structures.
Group 3 repair and retrofitting of rcc structures free download as powerpoint presentation. Nondestructive evaluation of concrete structures by bungey 4. Guidelines for repair and retrofit of earthquake da maged rcc structures steps of retrofitting. Some of these methods were practically implemented and. Seismic retrofitting techniques for concrete structures. Global retrofitting local retrofitting the retrofitting in which we use to repair only the structural elements is called local retrofitting. Retrofitting of rcc structural members, types, selection, and. Pdf retrofitting of existing rcc buildings by method of.